Welcome! Let's lift up your Frequency & brighten up your Soul. this is the place for you. I'm going to help you tap into your subconscious mind so you can become your best!
#LoveYourselfMadly is a home for you to come and empower your best version of your highest self. It's a place to reflect and to grow all while seeking to shed the skin of the old. It's a home for your being to transform your life. It's a community for a mass hub of collective souls that are seeking to uplift their frequency and shine their best light into the world to come together and revolutionize the world with their gifts. It's a place for your soul to come feed your heart, mind, body and soul so you can have more to give and shine into the world. I am ready for you to take charge with me and for you to live your best life!
you ARE A powerful Soul!
my Mission involves you, so stay!
#LoveYourselfMadly Mission:
“To empower others & to provide healing tools that accelerate transformation & profound change and healing in all of our lives.”
Alta Lainez, a Transformation Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Spiritual Entrepreneur, has devoted her life to helping others around the world develop new pathways to understanding subconscious behavior. As the driving force behind the #LoveYourselfMadly movement, Alta has empowered thousands of individuals to seek and find the best version of themselves.
“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. ”
Your donations to keep circulating healing are appreciated.
Stress and Anxiety relief 35 min. Hypnosis MP3
Enjoy the added Subconscious benefits of a Guided Soul Bowl and Binural Beat Healing Hypnosis Session to Relieve Stress and Anxiety!