He rarely ever expresses emotions so when he does it’s emotionally moving often times enough to move me to tears. After we hang up it awakens in me how far and few the times were growing up when he would express his love verbally, that it leaves me tender and feel bursting love full of shock, humility and wonder. Even as I type this I get emotional. Tears even. So you can only imagine how grateful I was that my dad called and started pre wishing me Happy Birthday to make family plans to go out, a week in advance! Holy wow! I can definitely tell the impact that time has had on his Soul. He tries so much more now and I can just sense through the things he says that life is really hitting him. I get emotional thinking that he’s 67 now. God, I’m so grateful. I’m grateful that how courageous he was to have kids because I can’t say that I have been courageous enough after spending what felt like my entire life since youth raising my brothers and taking care of my sisters.
I talk often to my Hypnotherapy clients and we discuss a lot of their growing up and the belief systems that they have growing up and how it’s all affected them and especially when it comes to love and parents and choosing men in their life! It’s become a passion and a life’s work to help women heal inside out and I haven’t ever met a person that didn’t need some type of perspective shift and or healing when it came to their parents. I was telling one of my clients yesterday that I have done over 40 something personal development seminars to heal my own past and always working on my present and building an emotional foundation for my future! That’s always been my gift to myself. A life of happiness and figuring out how best to achieve it! Now, I can see the patterns. The patterns are so evident!
Deep breath, Soul Sister.
I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks as I was driving in traffic through Hollywood appreciating all the people on my way to service to meet my little sister last night. The feeling of gratitude that I had that it “only took this long” to get to this place was so overwhelming. This ‘place’ being this level of healing in my heart and to having this quality of ability to speak candidly with my father and our feelings. At one point I think of the 5 years we didn’t talk. It could have taken me a lifetime, and or not even in this life to be able to have the healing tools that I do now. I’m forever grateful. I can’t think of my life had I not decided to get a coach and Hypnotherapist myself years back because the chain of events that happened wouldn’t have ever had I not sought out for the healing! I would have stayed in the prison. I know it.
My soul was so hurt and I hid behind lots of fat for years as a self destruction. Not to mention, I had found myself a slave of self destructive vices to numb the emotional wounds of what I pushed under the rug for what felt like my entire life. I was in a prison of a body I hated my whole life. I was a prisoner to “feeding” myself the love that I felt was never present for me. What I didn’t understand then, that I understand now to be true of EVERYTHING in life is that if we don’t realize that we can make a prison out of any circumstance, we won’t ever realize when we are living in that emotional environment by CHOICE. The palace is by choice. The choice to live in a palace and to see everything we experience as that is a mere choice of perspective.
Perspective is everything! That’s when my life started to change a couple years back. My soul woke up. I still find myself having to awaken to the fact that no matter what, every step of the journey is a palace, because WE ARE THE PALACE. I was standing looking out the kitchen this morning thinking that. How easy it is to not notice how far we have come. How easy it is to be the worst critic of our being. How easy it is to not notice that we are in the palace. Not me. Not today, I told myself. I fought my ass off to get here. In every way. Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically and Financially and I will not allow my “ego” to cause anything other than the recognition of my INNER PALACE.
Guess what though? When the inner world becomes peaceful and treated like the royalty it is, the external world begins to mirror it. I pray that you stop to recognize yourself too, Soul Sister. Heaven is within and it’s available today. Think of how many times you may have thought that the grass was greener on the other side and it wasn’t. Or how many times you looked at what wasn’t going right instead of what was. Or how many times you let that one sour conversation ring in your mind over the hundreds of amazing loving ones. The very love you get to experience on a daily basis is a choice of prison vs. palace. Seek the lesson in it all. There is a spiritual lesson and it’s shouting at you, we just have to take time to listen.
It's in our polarities that we recognize the depth of how powerful extremities really are.
Sarah Jakes said it PERFECTLY last night in service......
“God is looking to see if you can worship while you are in the prison and make the prison a palace. To be able to praise through the prison to make a path to the palace. It’s the thought of: “It doesn’t matter where you place me, because I know what God put in me!” To be able to step into authenticity. He doesn’t need you to have a palace to manifest in your life. You can do it in a prison where it doesn’t make sense. He wants you to recognize royalty has no limitations. If you learn to operate in the prison, it will prepare you for success of the palace you have been promised. What you don’t know in advance is that as you operate in the prison, you are training for the palace because the palace in itself is it’s own prison. So the dream is now. Interpret the dream of NOW.” ~Sarah Jakes
You are Powerful beyond measure to change your perspective!
I’m praying for you! I hope that today you remind yourself that life is short, and that our time is precious. There is so much power in being able to recognize the spiritual lessons as we are growing through them and that’s all what we are here to be placed to do. To awaken! To go beyond ourselves and to allow our soul to evolve and heal and create. With that being said, I love you, Soul Sister. You have such a power within you and I know that even in the midst of this moment that you are pushing to awaken even more. You are in a palace. Remember that. Treat yourself and your life like it. Even in the most humbling of things and places, it’s the honoring system. I'm here for you. Remember that!
Message me to chat about Hypnotherapy and Subconscious Healing Packages available to you!
If you are wanting to start a business in health and fitness, and or take the Beachbody challenge with me as well, let’s do it!
#LoveYourselfMadly, Soul Sister! Love, Alta