I was taking a walk this morning with a joy of overall calmness in my heart and how far I have come in emotional healing from two long relationships that comprised almost 12 years combined, the past 3 years. Mainly even in the past year and a half, really. That's when the real healing began. When the emotional freedom kicked in. It was the hardest fight of my life. I'm grateful for it. I'm strong because of it.
I was thinking about it because I had a serious chat with one of my best friends yesterday and I felt the weight of the world on my heart for her. So many things that are so hard to face in life when we are feeling unsatisfied, especially when we know the cause of where the unhappiness is coming from which is hard to do when we . When we face something in our life that is causing us pain, it's never easy to create change because we are swimming in the cup. We can't see clearly. Often times we don't want to change until either life forces change upon us or we get to a place where we are so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
The relief settles in when we face the reality that we could create change in our life by taking drastic steps to do so. When we face our emotional environment I would never say it's easy to create acceptance especially if it's one that has been needed to change for years. It's that very environment that causes our joy and or lack of joy. We have this "energy" that we carry with us when we feel higher frequency emotions like joy and happiness that projects out into the world. The same goes for when we have emotions that are not on the frequency of love and joy. Mind you we can't be happy all the time, though we can be grateful and mindful through it all, that we are always being guided to our next step and to our greatest good. Our Soul is pushing us to learn the lessons that we need to evolve as Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
So I thought it perfect to throw on my "Positive Mind, Positive Vibes" shirt today and go for a walk while I work from home for half my day before I see my lovely Hypnotherapy clients later today and tonight via Skype and in office. The palm trees never get old here in California. I practice mindfulness. It's centering, emotionally. It's going to be a very spiritually connected day over here. I feel so grateful because I see everyone I encounter through the eyes of love and lessons. Everyone is here to instruct me to my next step of growth. That's literally how I see it.
With that being said, the convo I had with my bestie left me wanting to share a great technique that is used in NLP (Nuero Linguistic Programming) and which I use in Hypnosis for my clients as well, so I wanted to give it to you for you to practice also!
Our Goal: To Change your Emotional Environment in which you Live In. Remember, the quality of our lives is based on the emotional environment that we live in, so it matters to change our "state". That means the fastest way to do that is to get up and move your body around. Move that energy that is stagnant. It may be preventing you from making a high quality decision in your life.
The 4 Techniques to Create an Emotional Freedom Technique & New Pattern Within.
1) Establish where you live emotionally on a day to day basis. (ex: Happiness, sadness, annoyance, anger, boredom...etc.....make a list and identify the top two positive ones and identify the top two negative ones. These are dominating you.)
2) What's the antidote? The emotional alternative/solution/medicine to changing that feeling. (Ex: You can't experience two emotions of the opposite nature at the same time, so if you are feeling 'fear', then the opposite would be to feel 'courage'.)
3) Practice that emotion! (ex: Get up and move your body around and or look at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself shifting by actually doing it. Practice that smile, that excitement, that joy, that confidence. Make it "look like it" in your body and in your facial expressions so that you can start to recognize the emotion externally.)
4) Condition it and repeat it. (ex: Your subconscious mind learns via the Laws of Repetition, so if you allow yourself to practice over and over and over this new emotional state, you will get to a place that you can shift into it just like changing gears in a car. Instantly and that will mean you have some serious control over your emotions. A great way to do this conditioning process is to gift away the feeling that you value most in your heart and life. Spread that!)
Mind you, with anything in life, practice is the mother of all skill. Repetition! That's the way we interpret subconsciously. We repeat! And we do it often. We don't start off being great at anything, and so keep practicing daily! You can master your mindset, your body, your heart, and most definitely your emotions. You are worth the fight. You have so much more light inside of you waiting to shine. You are not defined by your old emotional environment. You can change and I know it! I believe in you. Healing is on the way. I'm over here on this side all healed up telling you, it's POSSIBLE for you too!