The ability to add layers to our SELF LOVE muscle is HUGE. Like any muscle, it has to be worked out to gain strength and power. The kind of self love power that exudes and that even that inspires others to choose to be an extension of that themselves. Self love is EARNED. It’s a muscle of confidence built on an internal trust. It takes TIME and COMMITMENT.
What I have found is that “self love” really has to be birthed from a deeper desire to sustain this as a state of being. A way of living. To want to do things for yourself because it comes from a place of LOVE. A place of loving to be “with” oneself. To be the encourager of one’s own dreams and hopes and aspirations. That very ability to create a “Soul Contract” to your own self love is POWERFUL. A commitment to the future of your own soul. To set out to honor your own word with the impact and weight of a contract. To be able to move from what one desires and to shift it into a form of accomplishment is how confidence and self esteem really start happening. The ripples of LOVE start expanding in our lives when we “set out” and “follow through” and “show up” regardless of how we feel, though at the same time acknowledging our feelings.
Our feelings need LOVE. They need nurture, though what they also need is COMMITMENT to the vision. The place that your “highest future self” is bringing you to FOCUS ON. That very commitment to growing and to allowing is what is meant for us to unfold with a “feeling of being forgiving, compassionate, and loving” not only to our present self, yet to our inner child.
When you “say” you are going to do something and you “do it”, RESPECT is born within you.
Self respect is also an equivalent of self love. To respect is to honor, to value, to follow through, to keep showing up, to take time, to give back to oneself, to enjoy, to circulate, to have freedom, to be of a kind, positive nature, and to KNOW you can count on you. To be there for you and to be there for you in a way that makes you want to KEEP SHOWING UP and COMING BACK.
Self love and respect is earned. That takes time to earn your own respect, though time is relevant to each person differently. Nuerologically, within 90 days of a habitual pattern you can notice such POWER start to happen in your life. You can see the visible results of SELF LOVE from the inside out. It happens like that. It’s felt first, though. It’s something that can start with even a mere 5 seconds of “I’m proud of you. You did that, or said that”....etc.
To help you, let me give you an IDEA LIST of some the things that you could do to ADD SELF LOVE to your LIFE which I LOVE DOING:
Dive deep into yourself! Get a Coach/Hypnotherapist mentor like myself to help you with subconscious habits and reprogramming your belief systems and coping mechanisms!
Create Daily Rituals that “nurture you”. Think along the lines of each area of life and what you would need to grow there daily and how you could fill that slot in a short amount of time daily? (Spirituality, Emotions, Family, Career, School/Growth, Health, Financial, Fun)
Think of 5 minute things that you could do daily in each area of LIFE that you want to progress in that you can create to “check that off”. This can help you feel a sense of consistency daily, which builds trust and this can also create trust that you will keep it up.
Read “personal development books”, they are in the self help aisle in the bookstore. You would be shocked how topic specific we read often and how little time we actually spend conceptualizing the philosophies that dictate our lives and what we could do about changing them to support us more. 10 pages a day even, or 5 mins a day could literally change you! You are one idea away from even more break throughs! 10 pages a day in 30 days is = 300 pages = 1 book = 12 months = 12 books! That’s POWER.
Listen to personal development audios on Youtube, or Podcasts and or Audio Books! You don’t have time, what about while you shower, drive, cook, or right before you go to sleep? Again, less is more! Even 10 mins.
Find new ways to do things. We are such creatures of habit and taking the time to “surprise” yourself with new ways that things could be done, re arranged, thought of and or looked at can literally shift the way you feel. So that means even drive home a different way! You deserve new.
Find new activities to get involved in. This will get you to socialize, see yourself in a new way and to make new friends and you’ll be proud that you did as you never know where you new best friend is hiding! Someone is wishing to meet someone just like you, I will guarantee that you will knock their socks off.
Create a list of “BRIGHT THINGS”. First, take the“negative things” you may have said to yourself in the past that caused you stress or anxiety and then identify that those are FALSE fearful thoughts and make a “BRIGHT LIST” of all the positive things that are opposite of that list and WRITE THEM OUT and keep them to affirm to yourself daily all the amazing things you are!
Meditate! Time to go within and get to that space that allows you to be ONE with you. Enjoying your own company will come with time and this can accelerate it as you will see that you won’t always have to be “doing something” to be with yourself. Fill that void and allow Spirit to move through you. Patience. This is a practice.
Listen to Binural beats as you meditate as they will enhance the practice of meditation especially if you have a hard time with being still.
Take classes! You have the ability to expand the way you feel about yourself when you notice your new skills in a new environment. Try all kinds of cool new classes! Lots of places have a “free” first time, so no excuses! Schedule it in. Go outside!!!
Clean your Home & Car and CLOSET! There is nothing more Zen than having cleanliness. It creates a respect for the space you inhabit and the space that you carry within your body and mind. Your emotional space becomes easier to clean! Listen to the book called “The Art of Tidying up!”
Make NEW friends! There is such power in having new people in your life who see you in a new fresh perspective! You get that with new people. Get out of your comfort zone enough to realize your new next best friend could be around the corner!
Create a Workout Schedule! Do a fitness program that will get you results! When you feel amazing in your body, kid you not, you will illuminate in a whole different way and self love will enhance! I can definitely help you here~!
Eat healthy. Self love comes from taking care of yourself. If you don’t know how I can help! Fuel is LIFE! Health is FUEL! You are what you eat. This will change the way you feel about yourself and your energy levels.
Journal. Collecting your thoughts makes such an impact. On yourself and others and collecting your thoughts alone will cause you to self reflect and no longer repeat the same cycles when kept up consistently!
Listen to empowering sermons! Nothing like a preacher to speak some life into you and remind you of your worth!
Drink water! It’s hard to think positive if you aren’t hydrated and that means that the probability of you being nice to you is less also!
Dance in your living room! Appreciate the flow of movement in your life. You are a sensual being! Embrace it! Music is healing. New playlists redefine you!
Make time for family or people who fulfill your soul like family!
Go earthing. Take off your shoes and connect with mother nature. Wiggle those toes in the dirt and soak up some sun for a minimum of 5 mins. Walk around! Learn to be with yourself. This releases negativity from your body!
You are a powerful being! You deserve your own love. You deserve your own respect.
Enjoy being .....YOU.
You can schedule with me to chat about Hypnotherapy packages available to help you create a Subconscious Mind Healing BreakThrough.
Love, Alta