LoveYourselfMadly ~Monthly Hypno Vault Membership
LoveYourselfMadly ~Monthly Hypno Vault Membership
The LoveYourselfMadly Hypno Vault is here!
Hypnotherapy? I will tell you this that I have discovered the last 8 years in practice. It's a certainty I have about human behavior. A certainty about you!✊
I'm certain you are destined to succeed because I've seen it so many times in my mind that it's translated into hundreds of my Hypnotherapy & coaching clients lives. The reason? It's because I'm confident you can break through.
I'm confident because as we, together, can eliminate uncertainty in your life subconsciously so much so that you feel so positively grateful and certain about your potential. We'll provoke you to take massive action as a result, which will train your "belief", in turn training your brain like any muscle. It has the capacity to strengthen resolve. When we work together, we reprogram your pain and pleasure syndromes in order to override your subconscious association of the seeming pain of the behavior you wish you take that keeps you sabotaging yourself from doing and or following through with, or just plain half assing through your life.
Together, we can get so many "results" in your mind that you will find yourself able to retrain your brain. When we create the visualization cycle so rhythmic in a "pattern" within you it will stimulate your mind to feel 'motivated' towards the action, which compounded through time, creates momentum. Language patterns, using the full stimulation of the senses, exploring childhood modeling, current awareness of input of information and its personal blueprint to your mental storage, along with emotional triggers of memories matters in the process to override the inner conflict of where you are and where you would like to be.
The moment you create a momentum of certainty, you will tap into your potential, take massive action, which affects your "results" which will affect your belief about you even more. You can't fall in love with just potential because 'potential with uncertainty' will produce little to no results without the proper action, which will enhance more of the belief that the action you set out to take isn't the correct course of action. Resistance and sabotage come up there. Even sabotage has a positive intention behind it, so we find that and replace it. We change the filtration of perspective you carry to a more supportive one.
One of our goals in our subconscious behavioral training therapy is to get so perfect in our practice mentally that the stimulation of RESULTS are so deeply felt that we get "certain" in our practice. We create repetitive reprogramming techniques. One way is in hypnosis and through using sleep cycles to vent out traumas, triggers, old programming, old emotional wounds, and modeling in sessions we tailor to you to build the fresh grounds of fresh seeds, and a fresh harvest of new behaviors in you.
To defend oneself, some people lower their expectations of you name it...because it's easier. It takes guts to believe, though. It takes guts to create a massive repetitive vision of your life and what it 'could be' in the face of life adversity daily. It takes getting off the emotional hooks of life. A big enough why. Intrinsic motives that affect extrinsic results. It's not just luck. One next step daily. A big enough purpose inside that latches onto the daily feeling that, "I can do this." The start strong, finish strong feeling.
You aren't stuck here forever my Soul friend, you just aren't trained mentally, that's all. When we can create an obsession subconsciously in you about your results, your certainty factor will be "conditioned". Just like pro athletes, practice isn't enough. It's all in the head. Action isn't enough. Potential isn't enough. Time isn't enough. You know that statement, "Just give it time".
Having absolute certainty will require burning the bridges to old past storing of images, voices, and self bullying that have caused the uncertainty in the first place. The ratio of how many visualizations cycles that are needed in comparison to how many times you engrained the previous cycles of old belief systems will determine your level of 'hesitancy' when you take that action. In anything you do, that one little shred of uncertainty can mean the difference between success and failure. I say, let's get to training you.
I love transformations. Life ones. Love ones. Body ones. Soul ones. Mind ones. Emotional ones. Health ones. Business ones. The empowerment feels phenomenal! Accelerated change feels astronomical!
These very techniques are how we will help you break free! Guess what follows? Everything amazing!!! #LoveYourselfMadly