Welcome, Goddess…!
I’m inviting you to a ‘5 week Serendipity Soulful Saturdays’ Online Co-Creative GROUP Experience to help you H.E.A.L.
This is going to be an interactive 5 week course led by yours truly, Alta Lainez
Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Light Leader, Hands on Healer, Life Coach, and Business Mentor to thousands of BEAUTIFUL SOULS! Hopefully, as you join us, YOU will be NEXT!
Start Date: Saturday, May 9, 2020
I Am Honored that we CoulD connect today. I have a huge invitation to take you on a majestic journey through the inner world of your own being for the next 5 weeks! I hope you are ready to join me!
I’ve been holding a deep space in my meditations to call you into this vortex of healing I’m creating for YOU! I wanted you to know how much I can sense that the deep work we are about to do together in the course of these next weeks will be such a force of vibrant love activations and infusions of radiant energy that your entire being will tune into a whole essence will change your presence and help you ascend! It’s part of your destiny, in fact! I know this because I truly believe your spirit and spirit guides have led you here right now! The universe has a beautiful way to co create bridges to what we need at the most divine time, and I believe NOW is one of those times for you!
I felt you coming.
I prayed for you to wake up with this curiosity for a better version of you.
I SENSED your beautiful Spirit even before we came into contact. I feLT INTO your positive vibe. I FELT into what your soul was calling you to become even more of, and i tuned into my intuitive nature to center into the presence of your AURA!
And, here you are. Powerful, isn’t it?
NATURALLY, there is so much I want to get to know about you, though also, without us speaking even just yet fully, I can already pick up where your Soul needs Healing.
I don't believe in coincidences, though I do believe in divine timing.
There is something so crucial we can do together to raise our consciousness and that is to HEAL. To heal at the deepest levels of our being. I’m actually here today to invite you in. To invite you into getting to know yourself deeper, to invite you in to creating a sacred home for you to do the self inquiry work that will help you get to the root of your habits, your wounds, your psyche and to lift you through the releasing process of it all so you can create emotional and spiritual freedom. Naturally, there is so much that has to be done to get there, though these next 4 weeks will be a powerful evolution towards that direction that you will be SO glad that you took the step towards as a gift for yourself. With that said…..
I want to invite you to BREATHe together through it all, literally and figuratively through healing modalities to help you expand into your meridian points of energy and release stored traumas and emotional wounds that prevent you from being your most enlightened self. I want to teach you to become a healer of self, an introspective thinker and a light worker to move beyond the shadows that taint your purified experience of self.
I want to invite you in to my heart and my virtual home these next few weeks so that we can co-create a meditative space you can center into as your spiritual home. We will be fostering a spiritual tribe to grow into that direction together. No matter if you are on day one in this journey or day one million as some of us are, the evolution work is never ending and perpetually teaching us over and over how to transcend and heal our karma.
In UNISON, my sweet Genie,
We will Breathe into that Self Love.
Breathe in that Nurture & Hold that breath to create support for you.
all my soul mate clients actually LOVE our deep dive work so much because of the intimacy of it, that if feels like a slice of heaven, wrapped with chocolate love!
I say chocolate because it’s an aphrodisiac and well, we all know we want to be tuned into our sensual being! Which you will be…..
Your life is meant to be filled with passionate moments that comprise the Presence of your "now" experience.
In this 5 week “Serendipity Soulful Saturday Course” , I want to help you recreate your existence with worthiness and tap into the great holy mystery of your deepest awareness.
Here is an overview of what we will be diving into and expanding ASCENSION throughout these next weeks…..
Weekly Zoom Video Conference Meetings
Inspired Soulful Book Exert Readings Weekly
Guided Channeled Concept Teachings on Subconscious Mind & Emotional Freedom Techniques Weekly
Musical Inspiration Guided Centered Breath work Weekly
Insight on How the Subconscious Mind Processes Information & how to Dissect Your Internal Dialogue
Understanding Spirit through the Shadow Work Entrusted to Us through Life Experiences
Archetypes of your Inner Child Teachings and Healing the Wounds
Becoming an Alchemist and Lightworker to Turn around and Heal the Collective
11 Emotionally Destructive Schema Habits that Prevent Spiritual Alignment
Re framing and restructuring Belief Systems PDF Group Deep Dive Work
Weekly PDF Journal Prompt Introspective Thinking Questions
Weekly NEW Subconscious Mind Hypnosis Mp3 Nightly Downloads to Listen to as you Sleep
Weekly Initiation Goddess Prayer Circle
Spoken Word Night
Spirit Sister Goddess Honoring Your Story White Candle Moon Magic Circle
Understanding Astrology and the Planets & how they Affect Your Behavior Along with Your Life Path Number
Weekly Ted Talks, Teachings on Abraham Hicks Videos and Dr. Joe Dispenza Video Exerts to Build Context
Love Yourself Madly - Breathwork and Kundalini Yoga - musical playlists - Alta’s Top Picks (Full Access)
Blindfolded Sacral Chakra Healing Trauma Releasing Dance Circle
BONUS: Saturday Morning Early Barre Beachbody Workout and Guided Meditation Cool Down w/ Bonus Live Yoga Instructor Special Guest (Kundalini Breathwork)
An Entire Love Yourself Madly Video Playlist of over 65 + Inspiring Women Thought Leaders to Watch
Weekly Private Instagram Video Check in - Loving on You & checking in on your Soul Healing Journey
Soulful Community and Group Sharing to Build Sisterhood Entrepreneur Genie Female Boss Panel
Manifesting Genie Ritual Evening & Getting to the Center Point of Your Motives NLP - White Candle Love
That’s your insight, my loves!
next step is to scroll down, and sign up!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Marianne Williamson
Sign me up, Genie! I'm SO ready to HEAL, GROW, and ASCEND!!
“I pray you join me, my Goddess! I love you and know you will love yourself madly through this process!
Love & Light, Alta”
“I’m deeply looking forward to being able to pour all the love, healing and growth into you, Goddess! Thank you in advance for choosing to illuminate and grow even more alongside me! I love you and see you inside the program! Love, Alta ”
Sign me up, Genie! I'm SO ready to HEAL, GROW, and ASCEND!!